Sunday, July 19, 2015


Do you have one day of the week that is the worst for you?  Mine is Sundays, and for many reasons:

1-most of the time my husband works them and when he does the midnight shift is the worse because he is gone all night and sleeps all day. I talk to my cat but she never answers, language barrier for sure.

2-most people get together with family and have family outings or family dinners.  Since none of my family include me in any of these it hurts like hell.  Especially when you hear from someone that they are all getting together at a sisters place on the lake and having a bar-b-q yet you have not been invited.  I'm #6 out of 8 so it's not like they didn't know I was in the house growing up.

3-most of my friends are busy with their own families and those that aren't are working shift work like my husband.

4-the only time I wasn't depressed or hated Sundays was when I lived in Toronto.  There was always something to do and all within a bus, walk or subway ride away.  Now that I've lost my license again because of the seizures I can't even go for a ride or go to the Bay for some shopping. Living in Toronto I never felt lonely like I do up here.

5-when my mom & dad were alive and then after my father's death it became a tradition for mom & I to get together on Sundays.  There were Sundays that my mom would go to a siblings place for the day and then stay for dinner and if other members of the family were invited she would make them invite me too.  Most times I wouldn't go because if they really wanted me there they would have called me too. Families!

6-During the years before my mom went into the nursing home, mom would come & live with us after surgeries, when she broke her arm or just wanted to come back to South River for a visit.  My one sister lived for a time just around and I mean just around the corner from me.  She would call and say that she would pick mom up for church and then take her back to her place for the afternoon and then would call later and say she was staying for supper.  I would find out later that half the family was there for supper except for me & my boys.  Damn that hurts and still hurts today, you know the old saying you can pick your friends but you can't pick your family or your friends nose. LOL

So there it is, I could go on and on and still it wouldn't change how I'm feeling.  So I've gone for a walk, didn't work.  Gone to the garden and pulled weeds, didn't work, baked a pie which I'm sure I'll end up eating most of it because that's what I do when I get down.  So now I'm making a pasta salad for supper and I'm going to walk over and get a chicken to go with it. 

Have a great day to whom ever reads this and remember Your Happiness is Yours, Your Anger is Yours, Your sadness is Yours all of your feelings are yours and yours alone except if you are depressed on Sundays then you can blame your whole DAMN FAMILY.   LOL  Love ya Moe

1 comment:

  1. Well, my dear friend, our illnesses are so simular but different as you know. I try not to look back and see the negative stuff I have went through before and after my diagnosis, unless it is to compare the strength and lessons I have gained out of the experiences. Positive or negative, they all gives me a stepping stone as to where I have started. Just as you, I have become so much stronger from each and everyone of them experiences/happenings. I believe they all pepaire us for the next lesson or struggle that we will be facing. Lets face it, sue-do seizures, for me sue-do relapses, are far much better then gaining damage through the dam things! (Assuming, “Sue-do”, for you means NO permanent damage,... as it is for me?) We may loose some of our time and memories but at lest we don’t loose other things forever. We sometimes loose our dignity, YES but it seems to be the power for the cause. The cause, well, I look at it a chance to educate those around me as I experience my episodes. Hell, god gave this to me, I might as well use it to benefit someone!! Even if it is to educate someone at my expense. Chin up strong one! Continue to be proud of who you have become! ox
